Thursday, April 23, 2009

Boys VS. Girls!!!

Guys! Have you ever asked yourselves: Why can't women be more like men? I've asked myself this question plenty of times. Women probably say the same thing about us too, lol. Through research and field work I have come up with the conclusion that men and women think and communicate in dramatically different ways. Now back in another era women were just expected to behave and stay in the house while the man worked and played. Times have changed. What used to be a resigned, "Well, boys will be boys!" or "Isn't that just like a woman?" is now grounds for a lover to depart for greener pastures. Women have become a lot more independent. Today, ladies demand a sensitive man who will share their feelings. And men envision a superwoman who gives them great company, beautiful babies, great compassion, and explosive orgasms. Of course we can't all get what we want, lol. However you can spot a gender gap a mile away if you paid attention enough.

While picking up my little bros from school I noticed something going on in the playground. Little boys were roughhousing with other little boys, and some were playing cowboys and indians. Meanwhile, around the on the other side of the playground, little girls were sharing dolls, holding deep communication with other little girls, and playing patty cake. Unfortunately, the same gap splits all other age groups right down the middle. The men stand around arguing sports or cars, and the women, seated around the room, are supportively chatting with each other. Why the division? It's simply because men enjoy talking about certain subjects and women fancy others. Additionally, men have different styles of talking than women do.

Guys, to help women like you better, look like a man, work like a man, walk like a man, talk like a man, but be sensitive like a woman. Don't be frightened that you will sound effeminate discussing the subtleties women excel at, such as insights into people and their feelings. Being a fascinating conversationalist to a woman definitely does not detract from your masculinity. It merely makes you multidimensional and engrossing to talk to.

Ladies, to help a man understand you better, look like a woman, smile like a woman, smell like a woman, speak softly like a woman, but think like a man. Don't be concerned that discussing subjects the boys like makes you sound like one of the boys. Hearing subjects and sentiments close to a man's heart coming from your softly rounded feminine lips makes you a fascinating woman. They will think you're different from the rest of the females, and think your the coolest chick ever!

Man talk VS. Woman Talk?

I believe women are more people-centered and men are more thing-centered. Men enjoy talking about cars, sports, gadgets, how something is made, how it works, how they can fix it, what its effect is, and how they control it. More intellectual men expand things to include ideas and concepts. But they still discuss how these concepts work, how they can fix them, how they affect the world, and how much power they have over them! Men exchange facts and opinions like trading cards. They like to play "Who can trump whom?" with the cards. I wouldn't recommend going into the competitive aspect of men's conversation because men have fragile egos, but women, brushing up on sports, cars, and computers increases your chances of communicating well with men. I personally get super turned on by women who do go into the competitive aspect XD If you learn how to hold your own with some men by bantering about UFC and V8 engines, you will be a sexy lady indeed ^^

Generally, women have excellent insights into people, their problems, and their responses to various situations. They often talk about health, the arts, personal growth, and sometimes spiritual subjects. Women are more apt to explore how individuals work together and what constitutes a smooth and supportive environment, not who's on top and who's on bottom like men. Learn to thoughtfully probe feelings.

Tips ^^

Men, whatever she is discussing, simply ask, "How do you feel about that?" Go ahead, force yourself. After she pulls her jaw back up to get it operable, she will respond enthusiastically. You can ask the question about practically anything. No matter what she is discussing, she has feelings on the subject and, unlike you, she is probably more in touch with those feelings. She can articulate them better.

Women, unless the relationship is in safe waters or you detect that your he is the sensitive type, don't go overboard by asking a man how he feels about a situation. Women, can you ask a man how he feels about a particular situation? Sure, but he will probably consider it an irrelevant female question. He might give you a one or two-word answer which you, of course would interpret as abrupt. Things could spiral down from there. Men simply don't usually think first about their feelings, just as you are not as comfortable thinking in competitive terms.

Women, when stalking and talking with boys, keep your explanations short. Shave down the details. Be Direct!


Men, instead of worrying about how you can score with a great line when you meet a woman, simply flesh out whatever you are saying. Elaborate, and share interesting details. If she likes you, she will love hearing about how something looked, sounded, or seemed. Paint a pretty picture for her to enjoy.

Men, when a lady is upset, beg her to tell you about it. Then listen like a woman listens. It makes you a more caring man in your their eyes. Listen the way a woman listens, not like a man. To many men, listening means getting the wax out of their ears just long enough to gather sufficient data and then offering their solution. Women listen to each other knowing that they need to get whatever is bothering them out of their systems. Let her talk. As her stream of consciousness starts to slow to a trickle, you may probe and possibly offer gentle suggestions to show you are concerned about her problem. But do not feel you must solve her problem. Do not feel it is your responsibility. Do not feel as though she is blaming you. Simply listen.


Ladies, if a man is upset about something that has nothing to do with you, do not smoke him out of his hole. Do not make him feel guilty for not telling you about it. Let him know you're there if he wants to share, but give him the freedom to burrow in his hole until he is ready to crawl out all by himself. Respect his silence the way one of his buddies would. Men are not accustomed to sharing their feelings, so if you insist he talk about it, you're asking him to do something he has never learned and he will take it out on you. Do not be hurt if he chooses not share it with you. In his terms, he is demonstrating his respect for you by not burdening you with his problem.


Another gentle habit of the gentle sex that, unfortunately, drives men crazy is that she hints at something she wants, or she turns it into the form of a tentative gentle question. Ladies, realize that men will take your questions literally. When you want something, say "I want" or "I'd like to." Avoid phrases like "Would you like to" or "Do you think we should." If your thirsty or need to go to the bathroom, say so!

Men, instead of telling her what the two of you are going to do, ask her opinion first. Also, when she asks you a question, don't take it literally. Read between the lines to see what she's hinting at. When she asks, "Would you like to," it probably means she would like to. Instead of just saying "I'm hungry" and making a sharp swerve into the next fast-food joint, ask her if she'd like something to eat. She'll probably answer, "Would you?" After you say yes, ask her what kind of food she think, would be good. Let her answer. Then you can make a sharp swerve for the nearest grub.

Ladies, when a man is doing something for you, even if he's failing beyond belief, zip your lip. Unless it's a matter of life and death, force an appreciative smile. Run outside where he can't hear you if you have to scream, "Stuuuuuupid, do it right!" Ladies, assume the guy is a typical male who wants to be trusted to do everything right. The following advice may sound like antifemmist lunacy but, I'm sad to say, it does work: Never give a man advice when he's helping you, never! Even if he's trying to fix your car with Scotch tape and you know seven better ways to do it, hold your tongue, and maybe call a mechanic later when he is gone.


Men, when you see a woman struggling, go to her and ask if she would like your help. Unlike your male buddies, she will not assume you don't trust her to do it herself. She will interpret your help as caring about her and her problems. Men want to be trusted with things. Women want to feel cared for.


Ladies, this is subtle stuff indeed, but say would instead of could when asking a man for favors. When he hears could, the competitive beast hears a challenge to his expertise, not a request for his valuable services. The male brain hears could literally as "Are you able to fix this for me?" That's a veiled challenge. It's asking him if he is capable of helping you. Say, "Would you give me a hand with this?" It's a subtle difference of one letter, but would assumes that of course he is capable, and it offers him the opportunity to be gallant.


Men, when you mess up, simply have the courage to say "I'm sorry." When you see how they warms up to you, you won't be sorry you said it. A lot of men have trouble saying these words for some reason. It won't kill you, just say it like you mean it.

Following these simple tips will save you a lot of money on your car insurance. And from headaches and heartaches when dealing with the opposite genders! If people took the time to look into gender differences, I think people would be a lot better at understanding and communicating with each other. Well that's all for now. Good luck children!

I'll be sure to have an anime convention survival guide before then! ^_^

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Military's Bait

At some point in my life I have considered joining the military. Even after Zeitgeist part one, lol. I compared Army and Navy, and was trying to choose a path in order to pay for college. However despite the money for college and all the other benefits and neat perks, I decided it wasn't worth the trouble. Why you say? Well, after weeks of thinking about it, here are my reasons why I wouldn't enlist.

1. You may be KILLED! (Enough Said)

2. You may have to KILL!
I don't know about you, but I believe no one has the right to take the life of another. (Vash and Rem lesson ^^) They might not even be a bad person to begin with. You never know. Would you really feel good about yourself if you had to kill innocent unarmed civilians? Men, women, and children?

3. You may SUFFER long-term health problems.
Can the military really guarantee you will be alive after you contract? No. Even if you live, you are more likely to suffer a number of things such as post-traumatic stress disorder, diseases, injuries, depression, etc. One thing that recruiters will never tell you is 1 out of 3 homeless people are veterans. The military doesn't seem to honor nor take care of you after your service now do they?

4. You HAVE to give up your some, if not all your CIVIL RIGHTS!
Once you enlist, you pretty much become a dog of the military. You are ordered around 24/7, and if you do happen to disobey; You can be punished without trial or jury. If your gay, bi, or lesbian you can be punished for being honest about it. Free speech is severely limited, and worst of all if you want to quit, you can't :(

5. The whole process is DEHUMANIZING!
Basic training is not training you for any civilian job, it is training you for war. They put you through a process where you lose yourself and become a dog. They want you to feel no remorse, and do what ever is ordered. They don't care about the psychological costs of killing or the horrors of war. They want you to feel nothing! The kind of discipline they teach is worthless to you. They teach you to blindly follow orders instead of you being able to make your own decisions. They don't care about your beliefs and values. Then when you finally come back to society, you are bankrupt of who you are. You look for a way to regain what you lost and try to become a part of society again. However, not everyone is fortunate to regain control of their life again. Why do you think 1/3 of homeless are veterans? Or what the reason is for the high suicide rate of veterans?

I'm not telling you all not to join the military. All I want you guys to do is do some research before you go through with this decision. It's a major life changing decision that affects you and your loved ones, and you can't turn back once you've signed the contract. Be prepared to go to war, even a war you don't agree with. It could be a war won or lost, but either way you can always find veterans who can't forget some of the awful things they have seen or done. Is it a risk your willing to take?

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Here's a countdown for the sexiest anime convention in the Midwest!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Do you need to go to College?

Today I want to talk about a common misconception that people always brainwash us with throughout high school. The saying that: YOU HAVE TO GO TO COLLEGE! The other half of the phrase tends to lead to the following statements:

1. To be successful in life

2. To make lots of money

3. To become educated

Frankly, this is a dirty lie, and it misleads a lot of teens like us because:

1. Everyone has a different take on what success means. My indicator for success is when you make more money than your wife can spend XD

2. There are many alternatives if money is what your looking for.
A. A job that doesn't require a 4 year degree. There are high paying jobs that don't require a degree. Here are a few.

B. College is a HUGE investment. Over half of the people who go don't even graduate! The average annual cost of a year in a 4 year public (In-state) university is around $18,000! Also inflation raises that price by %6.8 or more a year! How long and how much more would that be with loan interest rates? Ever hear of the 30 year plan? If you are part of the half that dropped out; you would be better off now if you didn't go at all.

3. There are many paths to better yourself through learning. Some of the brightest people never went to college. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Twain, Ernest Hemingway, etc. Lavish yourself in books, and learn from other sources. College does not make a person educated. A person educates himself through college.

A lot of people get into college for all the wrong reasons. I believe a person should go to college only if he needs to. Pursue something you want to do, and don't just pick a career for the money. You will be a lot happier doing something you enjoy than something you don't. This is why the phrase: YOU NEED TO GO TO COLLEGE! Is garbage. It's not your only option in life, and you should only go to college if you want to pursue a career that needs a degree. Let me put it this way. If you do something you enjoy in life, you will never have to work a day in your life.
Cheers ^^

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Otaku Invasion!!!

Well I know a lot of you, after reading my blog, must think I'm the biggest geek in the world, lol. Well today I want to talk about the group of geeks called Otakus! Generally speaking there are plenty of subclasses inside the group itself. I only know 3 off the top of my head, but there are probably a lot more. There's the hardcore ones that watch anime till their eyes bleed, and live in their own worlds usually. They love to try things they see in anime, and make very detailed, accurate, sexy cosplays! Sometimes they can be elitists though, and I set those people on fire at conventions ^^ Then there are the CREEPERS!!! They are the darkside of our group. The OVERLY obsessive ones. They stalk lolis and moe girls or have a scary obsession with yaoi, and they like to dress up as the opposite gender, usually forgetting their own genders at some point. lol, well I could go on and on about creepers, but then we would never get to the last group. The Party Otakus! The Otakus who still have their social lives, and have that really SEXY CRAZY SIDE!!! They know how to party, and you can usually find them rocking out at your local con's Rave. Don't underestimate them though, they will still go toe to toe with you on their favorite animes. I personally used to be hardcore to the max up until near the end of freshmen year. Now I'm a Party Otaku who loves partying at conventions, rocking at Jrock concerts, and livin life everyday with some Otaku Funkiness :P But when it all comes down to it. Were all related. We are all anime lovers at the core. And we shouldn't look down upon others in our group unless were helping them up, no? Except Narutards, let those guys bleed to death! MWAHAHAHAHA! jk, lol, but yea, if you have friends who are living without anime ever being shined down upon their soul, then try to introduce them to something they might like. That doesn't mean strapping them down to a chair and supergluing thier eyelids open though. All in all we are getting to be a recognized group in America and other countries. Embrace your Otakuness! Don't be afraid or ashamed of it! After having this realization, join us! AND WE SHALL WAGE WAR AND DESTROY THE OTHER GEEK TRIBES!!!!!


Well, it's like pretty late right now. And I don't know if I'm myself right now, but it's not like I give a fuck right now either. I'm convulsing and shaking, and a whole bunch of other crazy things going on in my head. I did not expect my Friday to end like today. In my lifetime, I have enjoyed many movies, and some have even changed my life in ways also. However this movie has just rocked my very existence. I can't help but feel numb still. Sure any other person would just treat this as a movie. But this movie, which I expected to be just another testosterone pumping guy movie, has went far beyond my imagination. The movie simply being titled Fight Club, holds many many surprises. I could rant and rant about this, but long story short. It's my values and morals conflicting with my nihilistic beliefs rolled into one fucking movie. I could hardly believe it in the end. I came to a deep inner realization of myself. A middle ground of my conflicts. It is one of the most exhilarating feelings ever. Like walking into a major anime convention. I'm quivering, heart pulsating, the inability to speak well. A movie has never affected me like this, and I don't believe any other movie will. Fight Club is a representation of my inner conflicts. It might even be a omen for me. I might be the next person who befriends Tyler Durden. I can't help but be in a state of Nirvana right now.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Being the MAN!

Well being the man.... Well, frankly I don't really know all toooo well. Since I've been like %60 percent new age sensitive man most of the time. Yea, go ahead and call me a queer <.< To help get the point better. I'll do what I do best. Make guidelines! ^^

1. Control your emotions!

Men don't burst into tears. Real men cry, but you better have a good reason to, lol. And men don't throw emotional tantrums. However don't turn into an emotionless statue, just keep a clear head, and don't let your emotions rule you. *cough* Women! *cough*

2. Be independent!

While doing things together is fun, doing it too much can be torture! A girl doesn't want a man to be by her side all the time. (You creeper!) Have a life separate from hers. Like video game nights and adventures with the guys. If you dedicate yourself too much, the guys will think your whipped, and your lady will think and use you as a tool. Counter balance those creepy ball-jointed dolls with some badass Kamina action figures!

3. Be Strong and Courageous!

If a bear is about to attack a woman or child. You'd better go in between the two. Okay, maybe that's too extreme of an example, but if you and your family were out in the parking lot. And it was pouring outside with the lightning and Pedobear lurking near the car, and someone had to get the car. The man has to get it, women and children can stay under the shelter, the man can't. This isn't something you should say out loud to women, but keep inside the back of your head. A man usually takes on the protector in the family. A woman being the heart of it. Sure men can kiss boo-boos and read bed time stories too. But we aren't really designed for that. Were the ones who have to go in the dark closet to kick the Boogeyman's ass. Women like to see a man prepared for that role.

4. Treat all Women with Respect and Care!
Kindness, gentle manliness, and hood humor aren't just for the girls you want to date. They can see through that a mile away. They judge you on how you treat the women around them. Treat women as the fairer sex, not the weaker one. Word gets around that your a good man. After that, it should be easier to find a lady. Even if you not looking for a girl, it's still nice to be well liked and appreciated, no?

Well those are what I think being a man is about. I'm sure there is a lot more to it than that, but I'm still seventeen, lol. I'm still learning. I know for a fact though, being a man isn't all shits and giggles. They have duties that they must follow through on, and our rights get compromised over and over again it's ridiculous! But you don't see us complaining, and grouping up. *cough* Feminists! *cough* A man does what needs to be done, and worries about shit later.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Farewell President Bush ^^

Today I want to address an issue that has bothered me for quite some time now. Noooo, I'm not going to rip on Bush. Don't you think everyone does that enough? I mean even John McCain and the rest of the Republican party rip on him. Anyway, everyone here can agree that they have at least ragged on Bush at least once during his 8 years, no? Well the problem with that is when everyone rags on him, it eventually turns into contempt. A lot of people nowadays blame Bush for a lot of their problems. However, a lot of the times, it's their own faults. Hurricane Katrina? Bush warned the governor of Louisiana before that storm ravaged New Orleans. Not his fault, if anything it was the governor's fault for not evacuating anyone. So don't listen to Kanye West and agree Bush doesn't care about black people because it simply isn't true. He ruined the economy you say? It was our own fault for taking on housing debts we couldn't handle, and making everything else crash. However, don't get me wrong, I know a lot of other things were his fault. You could probably find a list of grievances online if you tried. Basically what I'm trying to say, is think about your problem before you go blaming it on someone else. It could very well be your own fault. We just have to suck it up and move on. If you want my opinion of him; I think he is a decent man. He has tried his best for the country he loves. He just makes TERRIBLE decisions, but at least he sticks to em no matter what. That's respectable right? ^^ All in all, I think he just let his ambitions get the best of him, doesn't that happen to everyone? Plus Mr. Cheney pulling his strings all the time didn't help him much either. In fact, Mr. Cheney deserves a lot of the shit in Bush's gigantic shitstorm. Well, that's probably the last political post I'll do in a while. I honestly hate politics, but you always have to keep your watchful eye on it. Or else it's gonna bite you in the ass later on in life. ^^

A Defining Moment in America

Today was a really special day for me. Besides dominating in my finals today, I got to watch Barack Obama's Inauguration live on TV. Now usually I'm pessimistic about politics in general after drowning myself in the Zeigeist documentaries, and being so paranoid about the government for so long. However today was different. I never forget that America's greatness doesn't come from the government. Yup, It's the people that make it great. Americans have been able to overcome many hardships as a country through unity and determination. We have fought for freedom and prosperity countless of times. We overcame a Revolution, a Civil War, survived a depression, fought in World Wars, destroyed segregation, and many other accomplishments. Americans did it together. We have come out of deep shit, stronger and more united every time. Obama, I believe is our generations defining moment. He is our Lincoln, FDR, JFK, MLK, you name it! Call me naive if you'd like, but you should take the time to listen to the man. Whenever he makes a speech, the people around him are filled with hope and confidence. I too am one of these people invoked with hope and determination for a better tomorrow. I really believe he can change the country for the better, and help us overcome this crisis. To this day, I have never been more proud of being an American.

Monday, January 19, 2009

How I feel about cosplayers ^^

Well, most people appreciate cosplay in general, and I know it must be pretty fun. However for me, I can never appreciate "just" cosplay. It has to be either really unique or god damn accurate for me to enjoy it. If a friend asks me what I think about his/her cosplay, and it's not up to my standards. I just don't comment at all, and try to avoid the topic. I can be very OCD about it, that's why I probably will never cosplay in public, unless I'm sure that I look erotic in it. One cosplayer that I'm actually a fan of is Arisa Mizuhara! ^^

Her cosplay makes my heart skip a beat every once in a while. Here is her translated website ^^

One aspect some cosplayers like to follow, is acting like your character ^^ I typically don't like this aspect at all, unless its in bed, then it's hot. The reason being some people really desecrate their character's name, and it's way too geeky even for me, lol. I don't want a Kamina cosplayer acting like a Shinji Ikari, that's just slandering the Kamina name. So what I am trying to say pretty much is. Yea, I'm shallow when it comes to cosplayers, deal with it! :P

Anime Heroes!

Every once in a while, you watch an anime, and a character is forever burnt into your memory. Throughout my Otaku years, these memorable characters have been an inspiration for me. Yes, call it sad, I worship anime characters <.<

The manliest anime character ever. He pretty much embodies what being what a man is about. He has manly ambitions, unwavering courage, and amazing leadership skills. Plus no one else can make those crazy shades look so damn cool!

Spike Spiegel:
Spike had all the right moves. Whether fighting, piloting, or just being suave with the ladies ^^
Plus, I really respect his loyalty to Julia, it doesn't get any more loyal than that. I mean, he could have easily seduced Faye if he wanted. Spike is the embodiment of cool.

Lelouch Lamperouge:
The sexy misunderstood antihero. His intelligence and cunningness is what made the entire show sooo enjoyable. He sacrificed himself for everyone in the else in the end, and it was totally unexpected. (To me anyways, lol) He is a true martyr, and overcame a lot of emotional hardships throughout the show. I doubt many of us can do some of the things he did. He really did make the end justify the means, unlike most world leaders today.

Kintaro Oe:
The perverted hero of Golden Boy ^^
Surpassing women's expectations in every episode through work ethics and knowledge. He can learn to do anything in a short amount of time. And understands women more than they understand themselves at times. He dropped out of college after learning everything he could to become a wanderer in search of knowledge. By the end of the episode, the main girl always falls for him because of his greatness. He embodies intensiveness. Plus, I bet none of you can beat a racing motorcycle in a downhill race with a pink bike ^^

Ironically 3/4 of my favorite characters have all died. My theory is they died for our sins ^^

Why one good friend is better than a thousand acquaintances ^^

It took me me a good long time to finally realize this in high school. It was near the end of my sophomore year when it hit me. I was drugged up, depressed, and hung-over prick. I believed that booze, sex, and drugs mixed with extremely loud techno music was gonna make everything in my life better. Its pretty much the cycle I went through when I was depressed about shit in my life, and half of these cycles were caused by women by the way, lol. I was just trying to look for a good long distraction from it all I guess, but whenever I woke up from it, all of it just came back and hit me. Making me the same broken man I was by the middle of the afternoon. That used to be a typical weekend, and sometimes my entire week. My parents of course didn't really give a shit on what I do as long as I stay outta trouble from the cops, and I maintained my grades. I am afraid to imagine what kind of person I would be if I was still stuck in that cycle. Maybe I wouldn't exist at all from all the Ecstasy and alcohol I consumed. Out of the many friends I had though, only a few persisted in me getting clean. The only problem with that, was I had to face reality. And that was my main hurdle. I couldn't accept that yet another girl had destroyed me, my family was falling apart, and I couldn't face myself. I had no morals, values, or any direction at all. Nothing was right. However being the good friends that they were, they never gave up on me. They told me that I could change all that, all I had to do was try. They gave me hope. No one in my life has ever done that for me. They helped me get back on my feet when everyone else just kept partying or was too busy with their own lives to help me. It's fairly easy to make a friend in high school, but it's hard to find a good ones that will stick with you when everything is bleak. Without them, I wouldn't have been able to turn my life around. So thank you, to all the friends that have stuck with me through the good times and bad. My love for you all is there, if you can't find it, check your other pant's pocket.

How to find love without losing your Otaku Funk!

Sometimes trying to hook up with the opposite sex can be hard as hell for an Otaku. Some Otakus soon realize that they have to maintain a common ground if they ever want a chance hooking up with a normal girl/boy. (ewwwww, normal) Some never do, and turn into the really lonely creepers that you see at conventions.

You know, like this guy ^^

The important thing is not to smother him/her with your obsession, and help him/her gradually accept or even like your obsession. Here are some words of wisdom to go by:

1. Make it clear that this is your hobby, and an important part of who you are!

If he/she can't accept that, and keeps telling you to grow up, then at least you have more time to watch anime, and hang out with your other Otaku friends. (You do have friends right?)

2. Put some money aside for special days!

Money can hinder you a lot since you usually spend it on anime DVDs, manga, figurines (omg those will kill your wallet!) Save some for a date!

3. Never show or even mention your hentai/yaoi collection!

This is common sense, since most women don't dig porn displayed in all its glory, and men can be intimidated by a proud perverted girl. It will always leave a bad impression of you on their minds ^^

4. Take it slowwww....

Watch a romantic shoujo together, explain why you idolize Kamina and Lelouch, let him/her try some pocky or other Japanese geek delicacies. Don't force them to watch it bug-eyed! Even if anime isn't their thing, they will feel special and loved because you took the extra time to spend with him/her ^^

5. Remember to always give him/her choices and decisions, and let them do what they want too.

Your love doesn't have to be a shotgun wedding to your interests.

Well those are my tips on how to not eventually turn into the next Sailor Bubba or Man Faye ^^

Gamestop, the Evil Empire!!!

Gamers across the world have been shopping at Gamestop for a while now. Trading in their old games for crappy store credit prices. Talking to staff who don't know shit about the industry, and being constantly nagged to pre-order the next crappiest game hitting the shelves in a month or two. You'd start to assume this was normal right? And eventhough it can be a pain to shop there, it's still there for you, the gamer right? WRONG!

1. Used games can get recycled and resealed to be sold as "new" games.

This is a dirty business tactic because it ultimately hurts us. We sell them our games for shit trade-in store credit, and they turn around and mark it new to sell it at full retail price to sell it to another fellow gamer. Thats like if I bought a new bed, had sex on it for a day, and sold it on eBay as "new." I left a couple of stains, but it's ok, I used stain remover. It just isn't right at all! If your gonna charge us for the full "new" retail price. We want our product new!

2. Also under corporate policy, employees are allowed to "check-out" games for a four-day period. Once the four-day period is up, they return the game, stick it back in the case, and re-seal it. Yes, there is a policy that if the game is damaged or is missing its original contents, the employee is supposed to pay for the damages. How often does this happen though? Not often at all, considering low-level managers are being paid by the hour, they don't really have an incentive in keeping an eye out for damaged games.

3. They hire people who don't know jack shit about the industry.

4. They make you reserve games that don't even need them. Seriously, I really doubt Imagine: Fashion Party needs a pre-order. Sometimes they will even trick you ^^

5. They publish Game Informer, and tell you it's a great magazine.
It's a lie! It is just a form of propaganda owned by gamestop so you buy more shit from them, and they review games with a bias, just so you could buy it from Gamestop thinking it's a good game.

6. Buy used games for more, and sell them for less.
Now I know this is just common business practice, but there has to be a line on this one. You don't sell a used game $5 less than the original "new" retail price, and you dont buy people's games for $5 and sell it back to another gamer for $30. That is just a cycle of abuse for your customers. I have seen a customer sell Resident Evil 4 at a gamestop, and it barely covered the tax on a shitty Sonic game.

Tips to fight the power!

1. Don't go there, just don't, there are better stores that are more deserving of you money.
2. If you have to go there, demand factory sealed games, don't take the shit displays that have been gutted out!
3. Sell you used games online, FYE, or some other place. You will get a better deal, and in cash, not some shit store credit!

You don't see Walmart, Best buy, Toys R' Us, etc. pulling this shit on thier customers. Why should Gamestop be so lucky? It's up to us to not put up with this crap anymore, and warn all fellow gamers of this oppresive retail store.

And if your still not convinced, how would you feel if you were a lil gamer and gamestop sold you a not so innocent memory stick?

What every man needs!

The Female Friend without Benefits!!!

Sure a female friend with benefits is nice also. *wink* But it's not as beneficial as a good, loyal female friend. With the "benefits" removed, you can get the female perspective on everything! Such as if your new cologne smells good, if women actually like your new hair, what women really want, etc. Also, you can actually talk to someone without being laughed at or judged for being to emotional. Also they can do your hair! ^^

How I feel about religion ^^

Well this story starts off last Sunday, when my parents actually forced me to go to church after years and years of refusing to. The Minister or whatever you call him started preaching about the value of life. He started it off by saying how the recent plane crash in New York was god's work, and that the hero should be celebrated because god was with him. And how we should value and cherish life. So far so good, except maybe giving credit to god instead of the pilot's sexy flying skills. However, this is were it turns sour. He started rattling on about how abortion and stem cell research was wrong, and naturally assumed a lot of things on both the subjects. Now don't get me wrong. Just because I have no faith in any higher being does not mean I have no morals or values. Abortion and Stem cell are both very touchy subjects. The problem I had with this sermon though was he was completely leading these people on with no actual facts or reasoning. Just blind faith. This is one of the problems I believe religion has. I believe their systems was made to inhibit freedom of choice, and was born out of self-delusions. It's pretty much sheep following the sheppard. However the shepard can fuck everyone all up and lead them off a cliff he wanted. All I am saying is maybe you should use your better judgement instead of following that supposed bearded magical stud in the sky. George Bush says he speaks to god every day, and christians love him for it. If George Bush said he spoke to god through his hair dryer, they would think he was mad. I fail to see how the addition of a hair dryer makes it any more absurd. Here is a quote to sum it all up if you haven't gotten my message yet ^^

"Religion easily has the best bullshit story of all time. Think about it. Religion has convinced people that there’s an invisible man…living in the sky. Who watches everything you do every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a list of ten specific things he doesn’t want you to do. And if you do any of these things, he will send you to a special place, of burning and fire and smoke and torture and anguish for you to live forever, and suffer, and burn, and scream, until the end of time. But he loves you. He loves you. He loves you and he needs money." - No Idea who said this, but he/she sure was hardcore ^^

Furthermore, religion is just a scapegoat for a great amount violence in this world. Muslim groups blow things up, the crusades, the Inquisition, etc. All of these things are not moral nor are they ethical in my opinion, thus I why should I associate myself at all with them? Think for yourself people!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Women <.<

I am a hopeless romantic. I have been destroyed by 5 different girls in my whole high school life so far. (Senior btw) Yet no matter how many times I get destroyed, I can never just give up on my search for the perfect woman. With experience comes maturity though. I used to be just another sex-crazed teen before those 5 women changed me for the rest of my unnatural life. Now I'm wiser on to what I really want. (hopefully) At this point I'd reject Megan Fox, Jessica Alba, and whoever is hot these days just to find, her, my only one. Which is, probably a geek that is nice, intelligent, LOYAL, and marches to the beat of her own drum. Well maybe thats asking for too much, but I'm at least past the "boobs or butt" stage most men 15-25 of age are still in. Someone who rationalizes rather than go by her emotions would be nice too, but thats near impossible with women there! lol, jk. Anyway, this search is probably gonna take a while to say the least... but here are some tips for women, if they want to keep their man.

1. Realize that men view things differently than women, and those differences in view are equally valid and worthy of respect.

Respect and loyalty is more important to a man than love. This is the hardest for a woman to grasp, and it’s an ugly truth, but if you don’t grasp and accept this you’ll always have relationship problems.

3. Fuck his brains out. Self-explanatory.

4. If he’s telling you what’s wrong with the relationship, and your bitter manless friends are telling you something different is wrong with the relationship, listen to him over them. Those bitches are manless for a reason. And misery loves company.

5. Don’t let your looks go. Call it shallow, but men are programmed by nature to be visual creatures. We can’t help it.

This experience comes from being an ex-man whore and disgruntled LOYAL lover. Loyalty is emphasized because I have been cheated on too many times. And having your heart betrayed is one of the most painful things you will ever experience.

First post.... Yay! ^^

Well I don't know if anyone besides my friends will ever read this, but for those of you who might give a damn.... hi ^^ Well, I'm gonna give you fair warning now, this is gonna be a blog about my life, a teenage otaku pretty much, and it's probably gonna have rants and and angst in it ^^. Though I dunno how long I will keep this up, maybe forever, but anyways, I just thought I'd want to keep something to record my thoughts on. Anyway to sum me all up, I'm a hardcore otaku who loves video games, music, (can't even live without that) and all the other geeky stuff. I am sort of a mix between a nihilist and an existentialist. And I try to be more open-minded and appreciative of knowledge than most teenagers are (aka I love learning).I refuse to be part of a generation that is labeled as apathetic, spoiled, and stupid. Well, let the chaos and madness begin! Mwahahaha!