Thursday, April 23, 2009

Boys VS. Girls!!!

Guys! Have you ever asked yourselves: Why can't women be more like men? I've asked myself this question plenty of times. Women probably say the same thing about us too, lol. Through research and field work I have come up with the conclusion that men and women think and communicate in dramatically different ways. Now back in another era women were just expected to behave and stay in the house while the man worked and played. Times have changed. What used to be a resigned, "Well, boys will be boys!" or "Isn't that just like a woman?" is now grounds for a lover to depart for greener pastures. Women have become a lot more independent. Today, ladies demand a sensitive man who will share their feelings. And men envision a superwoman who gives them great company, beautiful babies, great compassion, and explosive orgasms. Of course we can't all get what we want, lol. However you can spot a gender gap a mile away if you paid attention enough.

While picking up my little bros from school I noticed something going on in the playground. Little boys were roughhousing with other little boys, and some were playing cowboys and indians. Meanwhile, around the on the other side of the playground, little girls were sharing dolls, holding deep communication with other little girls, and playing patty cake. Unfortunately, the same gap splits all other age groups right down the middle. The men stand around arguing sports or cars, and the women, seated around the room, are supportively chatting with each other. Why the division? It's simply because men enjoy talking about certain subjects and women fancy others. Additionally, men have different styles of talking than women do.

Guys, to help women like you better, look like a man, work like a man, walk like a man, talk like a man, but be sensitive like a woman. Don't be frightened that you will sound effeminate discussing the subtleties women excel at, such as insights into people and their feelings. Being a fascinating conversationalist to a woman definitely does not detract from your masculinity. It merely makes you multidimensional and engrossing to talk to.

Ladies, to help a man understand you better, look like a woman, smile like a woman, smell like a woman, speak softly like a woman, but think like a man. Don't be concerned that discussing subjects the boys like makes you sound like one of the boys. Hearing subjects and sentiments close to a man's heart coming from your softly rounded feminine lips makes you a fascinating woman. They will think you're different from the rest of the females, and think your the coolest chick ever!

Man talk VS. Woman Talk?

I believe women are more people-centered and men are more thing-centered. Men enjoy talking about cars, sports, gadgets, how something is made, how it works, how they can fix it, what its effect is, and how they control it. More intellectual men expand things to include ideas and concepts. But they still discuss how these concepts work, how they can fix them, how they affect the world, and how much power they have over them! Men exchange facts and opinions like trading cards. They like to play "Who can trump whom?" with the cards. I wouldn't recommend going into the competitive aspect of men's conversation because men have fragile egos, but women, brushing up on sports, cars, and computers increases your chances of communicating well with men. I personally get super turned on by women who do go into the competitive aspect XD If you learn how to hold your own with some men by bantering about UFC and V8 engines, you will be a sexy lady indeed ^^

Generally, women have excellent insights into people, their problems, and their responses to various situations. They often talk about health, the arts, personal growth, and sometimes spiritual subjects. Women are more apt to explore how individuals work together and what constitutes a smooth and supportive environment, not who's on top and who's on bottom like men. Learn to thoughtfully probe feelings.

Tips ^^

Men, whatever she is discussing, simply ask, "How do you feel about that?" Go ahead, force yourself. After she pulls her jaw back up to get it operable, she will respond enthusiastically. You can ask the question about practically anything. No matter what she is discussing, she has feelings on the subject and, unlike you, she is probably more in touch with those feelings. She can articulate them better.

Women, unless the relationship is in safe waters or you detect that your he is the sensitive type, don't go overboard by asking a man how he feels about a situation. Women, can you ask a man how he feels about a particular situation? Sure, but he will probably consider it an irrelevant female question. He might give you a one or two-word answer which you, of course would interpret as abrupt. Things could spiral down from there. Men simply don't usually think first about their feelings, just as you are not as comfortable thinking in competitive terms.

Women, when stalking and talking with boys, keep your explanations short. Shave down the details. Be Direct!


Men, instead of worrying about how you can score with a great line when you meet a woman, simply flesh out whatever you are saying. Elaborate, and share interesting details. If she likes you, she will love hearing about how something looked, sounded, or seemed. Paint a pretty picture for her to enjoy.

Men, when a lady is upset, beg her to tell you about it. Then listen like a woman listens. It makes you a more caring man in your their eyes. Listen the way a woman listens, not like a man. To many men, listening means getting the wax out of their ears just long enough to gather sufficient data and then offering their solution. Women listen to each other knowing that they need to get whatever is bothering them out of their systems. Let her talk. As her stream of consciousness starts to slow to a trickle, you may probe and possibly offer gentle suggestions to show you are concerned about her problem. But do not feel you must solve her problem. Do not feel it is your responsibility. Do not feel as though she is blaming you. Simply listen.


Ladies, if a man is upset about something that has nothing to do with you, do not smoke him out of his hole. Do not make him feel guilty for not telling you about it. Let him know you're there if he wants to share, but give him the freedom to burrow in his hole until he is ready to crawl out all by himself. Respect his silence the way one of his buddies would. Men are not accustomed to sharing their feelings, so if you insist he talk about it, you're asking him to do something he has never learned and he will take it out on you. Do not be hurt if he chooses not share it with you. In his terms, he is demonstrating his respect for you by not burdening you with his problem.


Another gentle habit of the gentle sex that, unfortunately, drives men crazy is that she hints at something she wants, or she turns it into the form of a tentative gentle question. Ladies, realize that men will take your questions literally. When you want something, say "I want" or "I'd like to." Avoid phrases like "Would you like to" or "Do you think we should." If your thirsty or need to go to the bathroom, say so!

Men, instead of telling her what the two of you are going to do, ask her opinion first. Also, when she asks you a question, don't take it literally. Read between the lines to see what she's hinting at. When she asks, "Would you like to," it probably means she would like to. Instead of just saying "I'm hungry" and making a sharp swerve into the next fast-food joint, ask her if she'd like something to eat. She'll probably answer, "Would you?" After you say yes, ask her what kind of food she think, would be good. Let her answer. Then you can make a sharp swerve for the nearest grub.

Ladies, when a man is doing something for you, even if he's failing beyond belief, zip your lip. Unless it's a matter of life and death, force an appreciative smile. Run outside where he can't hear you if you have to scream, "Stuuuuuupid, do it right!" Ladies, assume the guy is a typical male who wants to be trusted to do everything right. The following advice may sound like antifemmist lunacy but, I'm sad to say, it does work: Never give a man advice when he's helping you, never! Even if he's trying to fix your car with Scotch tape and you know seven better ways to do it, hold your tongue, and maybe call a mechanic later when he is gone.


Men, when you see a woman struggling, go to her and ask if she would like your help. Unlike your male buddies, she will not assume you don't trust her to do it herself. She will interpret your help as caring about her and her problems. Men want to be trusted with things. Women want to feel cared for.


Ladies, this is subtle stuff indeed, but say would instead of could when asking a man for favors. When he hears could, the competitive beast hears a challenge to his expertise, not a request for his valuable services. The male brain hears could literally as "Are you able to fix this for me?" That's a veiled challenge. It's asking him if he is capable of helping you. Say, "Would you give me a hand with this?" It's a subtle difference of one letter, but would assumes that of course he is capable, and it offers him the opportunity to be gallant.


Men, when you mess up, simply have the courage to say "I'm sorry." When you see how they warms up to you, you won't be sorry you said it. A lot of men have trouble saying these words for some reason. It won't kill you, just say it like you mean it.

Following these simple tips will save you a lot of money on your car insurance. And from headaches and heartaches when dealing with the opposite genders! If people took the time to look into gender differences, I think people would be a lot better at understanding and communicating with each other. Well that's all for now. Good luck children!

I'll be sure to have an anime convention survival guide before then! ^_^

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