Monday, January 19, 2009

How to find love without losing your Otaku Funk!

Sometimes trying to hook up with the opposite sex can be hard as hell for an Otaku. Some Otakus soon realize that they have to maintain a common ground if they ever want a chance hooking up with a normal girl/boy. (ewwwww, normal) Some never do, and turn into the really lonely creepers that you see at conventions.

You know, like this guy ^^

The important thing is not to smother him/her with your obsession, and help him/her gradually accept or even like your obsession. Here are some words of wisdom to go by:

1. Make it clear that this is your hobby, and an important part of who you are!

If he/she can't accept that, and keeps telling you to grow up, then at least you have more time to watch anime, and hang out with your other Otaku friends. (You do have friends right?)

2. Put some money aside for special days!

Money can hinder you a lot since you usually spend it on anime DVDs, manga, figurines (omg those will kill your wallet!) Save some for a date!

3. Never show or even mention your hentai/yaoi collection!

This is common sense, since most women don't dig porn displayed in all its glory, and men can be intimidated by a proud perverted girl. It will always leave a bad impression of you on their minds ^^

4. Take it slowwww....

Watch a romantic shoujo together, explain why you idolize Kamina and Lelouch, let him/her try some pocky or other Japanese geek delicacies. Don't force them to watch it bug-eyed! Even if anime isn't their thing, they will feel special and loved because you took the extra time to spend with him/her ^^

5. Remember to always give him/her choices and decisions, and let them do what they want too.

Your love doesn't have to be a shotgun wedding to your interests.

Well those are my tips on how to not eventually turn into the next Sailor Bubba or Man Faye ^^

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